new labels for more transparency



France 3

Article written by

J. Van Hove, X. Schmitt, O. Boussadoun, N. Tahar, F. Pairaud – France 3

France Televisions

New labels are imposed on jars of honey, since Friday July 1st. The origin of honey packaged in France must now be indicated.

New labeling has been imposed on honey since Friday July 1, with more transparency to clearly indicate on the jar the country of origin where the honey was harvested. Good news for consumers. “It’s always good to have information on what we buy and what we eat, in general”says a buyer.

Pierre Ostier, beekeeper near Grenoble (Isère), has been waiting for this regulation for three years. This traceability is however not sufficient in the face of foreign competition. “This is a step forward for all the honeys that are packaged in France, on the other hand, actually, it will not change much for the honeys that will be imported directly in jars”, believes the latter. France imports more than 70% of the honey it consumes. He comes from Spain, Germany, Argentina or even China. According to the Union of French beekeepers, the composition of the nectar should also be checked.

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