New health restrictions, migrants in Calais, documentary on Nicolas Hulot … Franceinfo informed on Thursday, November 25

Every evening, the informed discuss the news on franceinfo.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes :

– New health measures announced by Olivier Véran, Jérôme Salomon and Jean-Michel Blanquer. Emmanuel Macron plays down the health crisis?

– 27 migrants died off the coast of Calais. After the crisis meeting in Matignon, what response with London and at European level?

– Nicolas Hulot, questions before the broadcast of the Special Envoy report. The rise of political #MeToo?

The informed:

Saveria Rojek, political journalist and columnist

Geraldine Zamansky, journalist for Health Magazine on France 5, columnist on franceinfo

Pascal Jalabert, editor-in-chief of the Paris office of the Ebra Group

Jerome Cordelier, editor-in-chief of the France department of Point

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