New health measures | The practice of sports is safe, despite some confusion

The practice of sport survived the package of measures announced by the Legault government.

Simon-Olivier Lorange

Simon-Olivier Lorange

The Prime Minister confirmed that only “competitions” will be banned. We think here of an event or a tournament; a match between two teams or two opponents, in this context, may take place as planned.

No restrictions – apart from the competitive aspect – are imposed on outdoor sports, such as skiing, for example. The same goes for individual indoor sports.

Indoor team sports will still be permitted, but with a maximum of 25 participants. However, the interpretation of this last criterion is not clear. During the last year, two applications of this rule have been made. The first provided for 25 participants (or players), in total, on a sports field, while the second, more recent, tolerated 25 participants on the playing surface.

The holding of a hockey game, for example, would be directly influenced by this nuance. Because a duel between two teams of teenagers or adults will quickly exceed a total of 25 participants. Sports like basketball or volleyball, on the other hand, could take place in any case.

However, most minor hockey leagues will be shutting down this weekend for the holiday break. The new measures imposed by Quebec not coming into force until Monday, the authorities will have ample time to clarify the details left in suspense.

In addition, training rooms, such as theaters, restaurants and shops, will see their capacity reduced by 50%. People who train will also be asked to observe a physical distance between themselves.

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