new health measures taken in schools in Belgium



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In Belgium, the wearing of a mask becomes compulsory from the age of six in schools. Classes will also close as soon as two students test positive for Covid-19.

In Belgium, the government has decided to introduce new health measures in schools to fight the Covid-19 epidemic in the country. Since Monday December 6, “Wearing a mask is compulsory from the age of 6. Classes must close as soon as two pupils test positive. Extracurricular activities are canceled and then in nursery and primary, holidays have been brought forward by one week. They will start on December 17th instead of 24 “, reports the journalist of France Televisions, Julien Gasparutto, in duplex from Brussels in the 23 hours of Franceinfo.

With regard to secondary education in Belgium, the courses pass “in alternate mode: half the week at home, the other half at school”, announces the journalist. Julien Gasparutto explains that these measures are not very well received by the population. “Already because until now, the wearing of the mask had never been imposed on the youngest children of the primary school. And then, above all, many parents, teachers and even scientists believe that it would have been better to close the schools immediately and not wait until December 17. Why? Because the number of contaminations is increasing in schools. Classes are already closing one after the other “, he emphasizes.


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