New health measures | “It’s an extreme gesture for an extreme situation”

The curfew feared by many will indeed be implemented from Friday evening, Prime Minister François Legault confirmed Thursday during a press briefing. Regarding the return to class, it will be on January 17.

Florence Morin-Martel

Florence Morin-Martel

“It’s an extreme gesture for an extreme situation,” said François Legault, about the curfew which will be in effect from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. In one week, hospitalizations doubled, from 473 to 939 people hospitalized, he said.

As of Friday evening, the police will distribute fines ranging from $ 1,000 to $ 6,000 to offenders. Imposing the curfew only on unvaccinated people would be difficult for police to enforce, the prime minister said. When the situation improves, he argued that the “first easing” done will be to lift the curfew.

“We think it is necessary to go there to ensure that we stop the contacts”, argued Mr. Legault. This measure must be taken to “save the health network” and “save lives”, he added.

Regarding the start of the school year, elementary and secondary schools as well as CEGEPs and universities will see their return to class postponed until January 17. “We will do everything to reopen the schools” on this date, assured François Legault.

On December 20, the government announced the closure of elementary and secondary schools until January 10, due to the surge in COVID-19 cases. Schools opening before this date had to offer virtual education.

Private gatherings will now be banned. As for businesses, they will close their doors on Sunday for the next three weeks. The dining rooms will also have to be closed. Convenience stores, pharmacies as well as take out orders in grocery stores and restaurants will be exempt.

The Prime Minister recalled that nearly 10% of the population is unvaccinated, but that these people represent 50% of hospitalizations. Mr. Legault said “understand the anger” of people towards them. “Some people are suggesting that we stop treating unvaccinated people,” he said. But that’s not the kind of society we want, ”he said.

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