The wooden door has closed on the work carried out during the winter. Today, it’s time to prepare for the new season which begins on April 1st at the foot of the hill at Buisson-de-Cadouin. Every summer, when the Covid does not get involved, between 35 and 40,000 visitors come to discover this magnificent site adorned with thousands of concretions.. The eccentrics are one of the riches of this cave discovered in 2000 in a stone quarry by Angel Caballero. In 2003, he opened this cavity, it was arranged to highlight these disheveled and spectacular limestone concretions. But today, Angel Caballero and his sons (Cyril and Olivier) took advantage of the winter to carry out new explorations.
100 tonnes cleared in two weeks
Thanks to a partnership with a supplier of small electrical construction equipment, they were able to progress an additional fifteen meters in a gut, dumping 100 tons of sand and clay sediment. But the opening of the season in two months forced them to stop for the moment facing a wall of dirt. They should resume next November, hoping to find other cavities, and communication with the cave already exploited over nearly 200 meters.
– Valerie Dejean
Other work carried out to develop the site
In less uncertain tourist times, the Grotte de Maxange receives up to 40,000 visitors a year. It is for them that the reception was remodeled and expanded this winter. A small snack will complete the tourist offer. 10 people are already working on the site, 2 to 3 additional employees should be recruited. And as soon as the season ends next November, new explorations should be carried out in search of new geological treasures.
– Valerie Dejean