new exchange of arms between Fabien Roussel and La France insoumise around the European elections and the future of Nupes

The skirmishes between the leader of the communists and the radical left group have been increasing for several months.

Like a divorce that lasts. Saturday September 30, communist leader Fabien Roussel again criticized, in “What a time!” on France 2, the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). According to him, the electoral coalition developed for the legislative elections of June 2022 is not “not a political formation“.

“If we must build unity, it must be done with respect for our differences”recalled Fabien Roussel in an interview with Dimanche. “I hope, for example, that we can accept having different lists in the European elections and that it is not experienced as a breach of contract”he said. “I invite Jean-Luc Mélenchon to take a little height. I extend my hand to him. You don’t shoot someone who extends their hand”added the former candidate for the presidential election.

“He is not a political opponent, but…”

For several months, the executives of La France insoumise (LFI) have no longer hesitated to tackle the boss of the Communist Party. LFI coordinator Manuel Bompard took a new step on Sunday by ruling that Fabien Roussel no longer belonged to the left-wing electoral coalition. “Fabien Roussel is not a political adversary, but he chose (…) to distance himself from Nupes, to get out of it”explained Manuel Bompard on Europe 1 and CNews.

“I take note of the fact that he considers that he no longer has anything to do with Nupes (…) that he has decided to leave Nupes.”

Manuel Bompard, LFI coordinator

on Europe 1 and CNews

“There is great unease on the left when listening to what Fabien Roussel says”, lambasted Thursday on France Inter Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The former LFI candidate for the presidential election said he was “very uncomfortable [avec] the words that [le secrétaire général du PCF] holds in a number of areas. It’s not me who has a difference with him, it’s him who has a difference with what he himself signed, the agreement that we made on 640 points” within the framework of Nupes, added Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

LFI is still pushing for a common European list

For his part, Manuel Bompard repeated on Sunday his wish to see the left present a common list for the European elections in June 2024, led by the ecologist Marie Toussaint. However, the latter has already confirmed that it will lead the EELV list.

The LFI coordinator notably sent a letter to the leaders of the left parties – PCF excluded – in this sense, to try to reopen discussions, while the communists chose Léon Deffontaines to lead their own list, and MEP Raphaël Glucksmann is ready to lead the Socialist Party’s independent list. “We need this union, it’s the shortest way to win, so we need a common list for the European elections”tried to convince Manuel Bompard on Europe 1 and CNews.

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