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A new DNA element allows the Omar Raddad case to be reopened, thirty years after the events, Thursday, December 16. Clément Weill-Raynal, journalist for France Télévisions, gives the details of the investigations on the set of 19/20.
It is once again thanks to DNA that the affair has taken off. Thursday, December 16, justice decided to reopen the case of Omar Raddad, named after the gardener convicted in 1991 for the murder of Ghislaine Marchal before being pardoned. “These are once again traces of DNA not belonging to the victim and which were discovered on the doors where the letters of blood designating Omar Raddad were inscribed” which allow to reopen the file, explains live Clément Weill-Raynal, for the 19/20.
For the defenders of Omar Raddad, it is proof of a plot against Omar Raddad which would exonerate him. “It must be understood that twenty-seven years ago, DNA identification techniques did not exist and that during the investigation these doors were manipulated without precaution by dozens of police officers, magistrates and journalists “, recalls the journalist. The novelty is that one of these DNAs was found in a mixture with the blood of the victim. The expert behind this discovery suggests further investigation.