New details on the health of Françoise Hardy come to disturb everything…

It was her last… Suffering from laryngeal cancer since 2018, Françoise Hardy is going through complicated times… The famous French artist does not hide her discomfort, which has lasted for several years now. Indeed, before the larynx, it was against lymphatic cancer that she was fighting in 2015. The heavy radiotherapy she underwent to overcome it was not without consequences. “I have no more saliva, and neither my nasal passages nor my left ear which has become deaf are irrigated normally. Among other things, respiratory distress, coughing fits, obstructions and nasal hemorrhages occur non-stop without warning.”, she confided to The OBS in May 2021.

This treatment therefore had an impact on the exercise of his profession, which is singing. And her cancer of the larynx did nothing to help the situation as she made it known in the columns of Current Woman in June 2021. One more fight for Françoise Hardy who delivered herself openly on the difficulties to face on a daily basis: “I have nothing that works normally since these therapies and my nights are worse than my days. There’s always worse than what you’re suffering from yourself, but that’s no consolation.”. Since then, his fans have hoped that the ex of Jacques Dutronc will manage to knock out the disease again, find the stage, and offer a new album. Regarding this last point, the news is not looking good… Indeed, Erick Benzi, famous composer and music producer and close to the artist, did not give reassuring news… While Le Parisien devoted a portrait to him, that -ci returned to his collaboration with Françoise Hardy, in 2018, in his studio located in Bois-Colombes. A place where she recorded several tracks from her album Nobody else. An album which would be his last according to Erick Benzi.

“This is where Françoise Hardy did the vocals for her last album. It will be her last. Unfortunately, she can no longer sing”, he revealed with a heavy heart…


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