New demonstration in Corsica to demand “justice and truth” for Yvan Colonna



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A new demonstration was organized in Corsica, Sunday April 3, by a broad nationalist collective. In Ajaccio, in the presence of elected officials, the demonstrators demanded “justice and truth” for Yvan Colonna. Clashes broke out.

Sunday April 3 was the third demonstration since the death of Yvan Colonna. The first molotov cocktails were thrown shortly before 4 p.m. Hooded, orange armband for the most seasoned, 80 to 100 radical demonstrators emerged at the head of the procession as it passed in front of the prefecture, symbol of the French state. The police responded with water cannons and tear gas. There are currently around thirty injured and three serious cases.

The message is clear, the mobilization is there and will not weaken. As I said the previous times, anger is still there, unfortunately, and anger is not a good advisor. I hope that [la situation] will calm down pretty quickly“, declared the Corsican deputy Paul-André Colombani. Petr’Anto Tomasi, member of the independence movement Corsica Libera, believes that “Paris has not yet taken the measure of what was happening in Corsica or provided the answers that are necessary to calm the causes of the anger“.

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