New decor for Buk & Nola | The Press

A breath of fresh air is blowing on Avenue Laurier Est!

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Sophie Ouimet

Sophie Ouimet
The Press

The decoration shop Buk & Nola reopened its doors at the beginning of June, after having completely renovated its premises – while keeping its charm and its identity. The two owners, Laurence Marinacci and Caroline Jodoin, called on the designers of the Catherine Catherine workshop to redesign and enlarge the premises a little. “Above all, we didn’t want to distort our shop,” emphasizes Laurence Marinacci. We wanted people to still feel at Buk & Nola, but for it to be renewed, more airy. A well-deserved rejuvenation for the company, which has existed since 2009.

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