Find here all of our live #UKRAINE
12:12 p.m. : It’s a little after noon, what to remember from the news?
• The State is filing a complaint against the Orpea group, announces Brigitte Bourguignon, the Minister Delegate for the Autonomy of the Elderly. “It’s a fundamental step”for the journalist who revealed the scandal in the book-investigation The Gravediggers.
• The Ukrainian president accuses Russia of pushing for a nuclear arms race in a video intervention at the Doha Forum, organized by Qatar. In kyiv, the capital, a new curfew is introduced. Follow our live.
• Ukraine and Russia are among the world’s leading wheat suppliers. Here are the main countries threatened by food shortages due to the conflict.
• Two weeks before the first round, the candidates are increasing their meetings and trips. Anne Hidalgo is in Toulouse, Marine Le Pen is in Guadeloupe. Follow the situation in our live.
11:38 : Relations between the neighboring Russian and Ukrainian peoples inevitably suffer from the war. With the rise of Ukrainian national sentiment, anti-Russian sentiment is growing. “This war is not a one-man war. It is supported by the Russian people”told franceinfo Lev, a resident of Lviv, a large city in western Ukraine.
11:39 : One month after the Russian offensive in Ukraine, General Patrick Dutartre, notes on franceinfo “A breathlessness of the Russian offensive and even, in several places, a retreat”. For this Air Force general, former leader of the Patrouille de France, “we must not overestimate some Russian troops who find themselves with incredible hostility and resistance from the Ukrainian forces”.
11:18 a.m. : US President Joe Biden is in Poland. He must attend this morning in Warsaw, the capital, a meeting between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and their Ukrainian counterparts. This is the White House tenant’s first meeting with senior Ukrainian officials since the start of the Russian invasion.
10:57 : The mayor of kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, announces a new curfew. “The military command has decided to strengthen the curfew. It will last from 8 p.m. Saturday to 7 a.m. Monday, March 28”he wrote on Telegram.
10:07 : On his side, Le Figaro also devotes a large part of its front page to the war in Ukraine. The daily focuses on the French who are mobilizing to welcome the Ukrainians, and on Europe which is turning to the United States for supplies of oil and gas.

10:03 : What will you find in the kiosks this morning? Release title on the food crisis that is looming due to the war in Ukraine and talks about “the ear of Damocles”.

09:34 : “They boast that they can destroy with nuclear weapons not only a particular country, but also the entire planet.”
The Ukrainian president also accuses Russia of pushing for a nuclear arms race in a video intervention at the Doha Forum, organized by Qatar.
09:29 : Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky calls on Qatar to increase gas production to counter Russia.
09:26 : A famine “inevitable”. This is what will cause, if there is no change, the war in Ukraine in 12 to 18 months, according to Emmanuel Macron. Following the NATO and G7 summits, the Head of State called on Russia to be “responsible”, allowing sowing to take place in Ukraine. Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan… Here are the main countries threatened by food shortages because of the conflict.
10:08 : Let’s start the day with a first reminder of the main ones:
• The State is filing a complaint against the Orpea group, announces Brigitte Bouguignon, Minister Delegate for the Autonomy of the Elderly. The process is launched “in view of serious malfunctions which have been qualified by Igas [l’Inspection générale des Affaires sociales] and IGF [l’Inspection générale des Finances]“.
• Emmanuel Macron announced a “exceptional humanitarian operation” to evacuate civilians wanting to leave Mariupol, with Turkey and Greece. The President of the Republic also made it known that the “Commission [européenne] will have a mandate to make joint purchases” in terms of gas.
• Ukraine and Russia are among the world’s leading wheat suppliers. Here are the main countries threatened by food shortages due to the conflict.
• The rebate at the pump promised by the government will go up to 18 cents per liter of fuel in France, AFP learned from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, confirming information from the Parisian.