New collapse in the silos of the Port of Beirut

Part of the grain silos damaged by the explosion that destroyed the port of Beirut two years ago collapsed on Thursday, as protesters marched to the port for the second anniversary of the tragedy, according to correspondents from the AFP.

Local media said four towers collapsed after being detached from the structure already damaged by the blast of the devastating explosion on August 4, 2020. This is the second accident of its kind in four days, after the collapse of part of the silos on Sunday.

Two years ago to the day, hundreds of tons of ammonium nitrate stored carelessly in a warehouse near the port exploded. More than 200 dead and 6,500 injured were counted and neighborhoods were completely devastated, a tragic event that caused trauma for all Lebanese.

It has been called one of the largest non-nuclear explosions ever recorded anywhere in the world. But two years later, the identity of those responsible is still unknown in a country where impunity very often reigns.

We need “an impartial, thorough and transparent investigation into the explosion,” UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Thursday, echoing calls from NGOs, experts and the families of the victims.

Thursday from 3:00 p.m. (12:00 GMT), three separate marches organized at the call of relatives of victims in the direction of the port started. And on this day of remembrance as an unfortunate reminder of the explosion two years ago, a new part of the silos which hold thousands of tons of wheat and other grains have collapsed following a fire.

The collapse occurred as marches of protesters arrived at the Port of Beirut.

“I see the same scene, almost from the same place, two years later,” Lama Hachem, 30, told AFP in downtown Beirut as he watched a cloud of dust emanating from the port.

“It’s shocking that the same scene is repeated in front of us today,” she added, holding back tears in shock.

International survey

“No justice under the rule of the militia and the mafia”, could we read on one of the banners brandished by the demonstrators. A reference to the ruling class – in place for decades – accused by a large part of the population of mismanagement, corruption and neglect.

“When the explosion happened, we thought the truth would be known after five days… Two years have passed and we don’t know anything,” Aya Qassem, 21, who was taking part, told AFP. to demonstrations.

One of the marches briefly stopped in front of the French Embassy, ​​where demonstrators asked for Paris’ support for the relaunch of the investigation.

“What we are calling for is an international investigation into the criminals,” said Tracy Naggear, who lost her 3-year-old daughter Alexandra in the blast.

In an interview with the Lebanese daily L’Orient-Le Jour published on Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron insisted on the importance of knowing the truth.

“I say it again today with force: justice must be done. To mourn and rebuild, the Lebanese men and women and all those who live in this country […] need to know the truth,” he said.

Lebanon is today mired in the worst economic crisis in its history: vertiginous fall of the local currency, shortages of fuels, medicines, bread and drinking water, banking restrictions and an impoverishment of the population.

“Only Hope”

The explosion, “it was a nightmare”, recalls Lara Khatchikian in her apartment facing the port which was badly damaged but which she restored.

“My neighbors and I were constantly stressed. I felt fear, we couldn’t sleep. It takes superhuman strength to live when you constantly remember the explosion,” she added.

In April, the government ordered the demolition of the silos, but this operation was suspended due to objections from relatives of victims who want to make it a place of memory. But more than two weeks ago, a fire broke out in the most damaged part of the silos, causing the silos to collapse on Sunday followed by another collapse on Thursday.

The investigation, too, has been suspended for months due to political obstruction. The main investigator, Tarek Bitar, has been prevented from continuing his mission by a series of lawsuits brought against him and by a campaign led by the powerful armed movement of Hezbollah which accuses the judge of bias.

“Lebanese justice must be able to work and complete its investigation in complete transparency, free from any political interference,” the spokesman for the Quai d’Orsay said on Thursday during a press briefing.

Be that as it may, for NGOs and independent UN experts “it is clear today more than ever that the national inquiry cannot do justice”. And that an international investigation “without delay” is necessary.

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