new bombings in Gaza, fears of a “new escalation” in Lebanon

No ceasefire. Israel continues to bomb the Gaza Strip on Tuesday June 25. In the early hours of the morning, Palestinian civil defense reported 13 dead in strikes that hit Gaza City. Attacks also took place in Rafah (south), near Egypt, where Israel launched a ground operation in early May. In Washington, the head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant about efforts for a truce agreement in Gaza. Follow our live stream.

Fear of a new escalation in Lebanon. The exchanges of fire in recent months between the Israeli army and the Lebanese Hezbollah, an Islamist movement allied with Hamas, armed and financed by Iran, have led to the displacement of tens of thousands of inhabitants of the border areas of southern Lebanon and from northern Israel. Anthony Blinken “stressed the importance of avoiding a further escalation of the conflict and reaching a diplomatic solution that allows Israeli and Lebanese families to return home”said State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

Did the Israeli army deliberately target journalists? The Forbidden Stories media consortium, including the international editorial team of Radio France, carried out the investigation “The Gaza Project” by documenting how journalists have been killed, injured or threatened since October 7, 2023. At the center of this investigation , the bombing of the AFP office in Gaza which was reportedly hit by Israeli tank fire.

Benjamin Netanyahu “destroys” the country. Former Israeli internal security agent who became a figure in the protest movement against the government of the Israeli Prime Minister, Gonen Ben Itzhak believes in an interview with AFP that the Prime Minister “destroy” the country. “[Il] truly poses the greatest danger to Israel and believe me, I arrested some of the biggest terrorists during the second Intifada [soulèvement palestinien]”he assures.

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