“New Babel” by Michel Bussi

As we know, the Norman-born thriller writer is a bestseller and his novels are selling like hotcakes. The last “Rien ne t’efface” last year had already done very well. Here it is again for the 2022 vintage. The title “New Babel” and the story takes place in the future in 2097 on an inaccessible paradise private island where peaceful retirees are found murdered.

Three police officers are in charge of the investigation, we will also meet an ambitious journalist and a nostalgic teacher who will embark on a race against time to preserve the balance of the place. What is really pleasurable in this new Bussi is really the futuristic aspect where no one can remain anonymous and where global facial recognition is a trivialized system for finding people. And above all, TV transportation is the rule for everyone. Suddenly there are no more nations but a single state without borders. And more surprising Spanish is the common language. It’s very pleasant to see the author trying out a new genre.

It really changes from what he usually does but rest assured we find what makes the charm of Bussi’s novels: the suspense, the final twist and a dose of humor but yes it changes a lot. And above all, we feel the pleasure that Bussi took in exploring this genre. Plus, there’s political intrigue he slips into. And then he also questions us about our society, about the future. On the place of modernity in our lives and what that entails.

This book “New Babel” makes us travel, vibrate and reflect. Not bad is not it ? From what Bussi says, it is the confinement that would have strongly inspired him and to see the flight from the cities to the countryside on the part of many city dwellers.

Good and if you hang, know that you have at your disposal the many novels of Bussi all available in pocket.

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