Never Without My Leash | The Press

It can be tempting to let Pitou frolic happily in the forest. After all, what can happen? Hikers learned this tragically in Jasper National Park a few weeks ago. A slaughtered dog, a slaughtered bear. The walk in the forest ended in a bloody way.

Hikers were hiking the Wabasso Lake trail with two dogs that were off leash. A black bear approached and one of the dogs chased it. The bear, a large 92 kg male, turned and came back towards the hikers to attack the other dog. One of the hikers threw pepper spray at the bear and even used the container to kick the animal on the head, to no avail. The bear did not let go and left with the dog’s carcass.

Park authorities judged the bear’s behavior to be unusual and very dangerous since it showed no fear of humans. Since he was at risk of repeating this behavior, they had no choice but to put him down.

“We offer our condolences to the dog owners involved in this event,” Jasper National Park said on its Facebook page. It’s a sad reminder that all pets must be kept under control and on a leash at all times in national parks. »


A disturbing encounter happened so quickly.

On its website, Parks Canada explains that dogs not kept on a leash can provoke aggressive behavior in predators such as bears, wolves or coyotes.

Predators view a dog that roams freely as a competitor or prey. They might attack him or follow him to his masters or other people.

Parks Canada website

Dogs under certain conditions

The Society of Outdoor Establishments of Quebec (SEPAQ) also emphasizes the importance of keeping dogs on a leash. “It’s about preserving the natural environment,” says its spokesperson, Simon Boivin. We do not want the dog to cut in the wood and scare the animals, especially in winter. The animals will use their energy reserves to flee instead of keeping them to spend the winter, when food is less accessible. »

He adds that there is a whole fauna which lives on the ground and which can be disturbed by the trampling or the noise of the dogs.


Henri the dog and his mistress Amélie. In winter, the leash is especially important.

The use of a leash is one of the essential conditions to be respected in order to have the privilege of going hiking with your dog in SEPAQ parks. Before 2016, it was absolutely forbidden to bring your pet there. Following a pilot project carried out between 2016 and 2019, the company decided to allow dogs in certain areas in most parks, under certain conditions, “so as to preserve the natural environment and the experience of other people. who come to the parks,” says Mr. Boivin.

Dogs must therefore stay on the trails where their presence is authorized, they must be kept on a leash at all times and their owner must pick up their needs.

SEPAQ chose certain trails rather than others because the presence of dogs there was less harmful to nature. “There are places where there are specific constraints, such as the habitats that are frequented by caribou, explains Simon Boivin. At Parc du Bic, there are seals. Dogs also cannot go to Bonaventure Island, where there are colonies of northern gannets, or to Plaisance, where wetlands are important for birds and turtles. »

SEPAQ also takes into consideration the rate of use of the trails.

The more people on the trail, the more dog owners are inclined to keep them on a leash.

Simon Boivin, SEPAQ spokesperson

A privilege

The possibility of hiking with your dog is a privilege that can be lost. This is what happened in particular on the Ruisseau-David trail last winter, in Mont-Orford National Park. “This path had to be removed [de la liste des sentiers autorisés] because the instruction to respect the leash was not respected despite numerous warnings, signs, patrols, ”deplores Mr. Boivin.

The same situation repeated itself at Parc du Mont-Tremblant and Parc Frontenac. The trails will be reopened to dogs in the summer, but the situation will be reassessed for next winter. “It’s a shame,” says Simon Boivin. There are people who respect the instructions and who are deprived of access because others do not. »

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