“Never has a five-year term been so plagued by lobbies”, denounces Yannick Jadot


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The ecologist promises a law separating the state and lobbies to “protect public policies from the influence” of the latter.

“Never has a five-year term been so plagued by lobbies”, denounces Friday, April 1 on franceinfo Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate for the presidential election. He proposes in his program a law of separation of the lobbies and the State. “Anyone involved in the drafting of a law must give absolute transparency on their appointments”says Yannick Jadot. “It means the end of pantouflages and retro-pantouflages.” He promises a “absolute transparency on decision-making processes” in order to “protect public policies from the influence of lobbies”.

“You have I don’t know how many members of ministerial cabinets who have made their repertoire, their network and who are going to sell this to private groups by saying: ‘As I know everyone in the administration, when I arrive in your private group, I will defend your interest in the administration’, this is unacceptable”, says the environmentalist candidate. He cites the example of François Fillon, former Prime Minister, who joined the board of directors of an oil group owned by the Russian state, a position from which he resigned at the end of February.

He also cites the example of Jean-Claude Mallet, former special adviser to Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who has become director of public affairs at Total. “It’s called slipping”, points out the environmentalist candidate. He wants to ban these conversions “in the name of the protection of public policies, of the general interest”.

“You even have the boss of a hunting federation who announces the program of outgoing President Emmanuel Macron even before he does it, calling for a vote for him, claiming that each time he has called on him , Emmanuel Macron made his ministers bend, in particular the Ministers of Ecology”still asserts Yannick Jadot.

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