Never again? | The Journal of Montreal

In Montreal, in 2022, my 95-year-old mother-in-law watched live in front of her TV the invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s troops. Born in Marseilles, France, she was 12 when war was declared in 1939. In the early 1940s, barely entering her teenage years, she fled the Germans with her family across France and until Switzerland to escape the fate reserved for the Jews.

I never thought I would see this again in my lifetime at the gates of Europe

The bombings, people crammed into stations fleeing their country, separated families, lack of food, exhaustion and fear in their stomachs. This mother and her child who are slaughtered like animals while they were trying to go get some groceries.

“We’ve been through all that and worse,” she told me.

– This 11-year-old kid who crossed the Slovakian border alone, a phone number written in the palm of his hand, that’s exactly what my cousin experienced, more than 80 years ago…

Putin holds his people hostage

Reminds him of a certain Stalin and his regime of terror.

– At the end of the war, we said: Never again! And since then, we see wars, despots and terrorists everywhere on the planet.

At 95, this COVID-19 pandemic seemed the last great human tragedy she was to experience.

Until Putin launched the invasion in Ukraine, making Europe and the West tremble.

– This madman said: “You are going to know things that no one has ever known”.

– He forgets that we are still a few, witnesses of the 2and World War, and that in the ray of horrors, we gave!

Never again ?

The world has not kept its promise, but alas, the little Stalin of Moscow, he risks keeping his.

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