Neutral in the polls: the new candidates will make the difference, believes Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

Neutral in the polls for four years, Québec solidaire is counting on a certain renewal among its candidates to enable it to make gains in the elections on October 3.

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The left party had nothing to celebrate on Saturday at the opening of its last national council before the election campaign: in four years, support for the party has fallen by 3%, according to the most recent Léger- The Journal-TVA-Qub.

Despite everything, his elected officials were optimistic, recalling that they made the forecasts lie in 2018.

For his parliamentary leader, the candidates of the formation will make it possible to move the needle at the time of the ballot. Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois believes that his party has “assembled the best team of candidates” in its history, which combines long-time activists and new faces.

The latter, “allow us to expand the electorate and to speak to people for whom it is one of our challenges to speak to them”. “To grow, you have to expand the electorate. And to expand the electorate, you have to expand the team. This is what we did and it is this team that we will present at the end of the week to the activists, activists, ”he added.

The training notably recruited the medical specialist Mélissa Généreux, in St-François, and the lawyer specializing in immigration Guillaume Cliche-Rivard, in Verdun.

Québec solidaire will also present a candidacy on Sunday that is generating a lot of enthusiasm among its ranks.

Unease over the reform of Law 101

From the outset, Saturday morning, the parliamentary wing of QS wanted to dispel unease among its activists about its support for the reform of Law 101.

The party voted in favor of the Legault government’s Bill 96, despite its criticism. He regrets that the state must speak to newcomers in French six months after their arrival. In addition, QS denounces the Legault government’s refusal to exempt the First Nations from its application.

A motion defended by Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois reiterated that a united government would correct these disputed elements. QS argues that the bill also contains advances for the defense of French.

After a short debate which did not arouse passions, the delegates present voted overwhelmingly in favor of the motion, in support of the position of the parliamentary wing.

The work of the National Council continues all day Saturday at the Maison Théâtre, in Montreal. The event brings together some 350 people, which includes the delegates, but also many future candidates, as observers.

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