Neurocognitive disorders | A diagnosis does not lead to the “systematic” suspension of the driver’s license

A driver who has been diagnosed with a mild neurocognitive disorder and whose state of health does not represent a risk to road safety will be able to keep his driver’s license, says the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).

In a press release issued on Wednesday, the SAAQ said it wanted to “provide clarification” regarding the administration of these files following “various questions raised in recent weeks”.

Since the beginning of November, a new directive that has come into effect at the SAAQ means that people with neurocognitive disorders will now automatically lose their driver’s license. Previously, this decision was making this decision after a road test.

“In fact, a suspension will be applied in certain cases, following the recommendations of a health professional, and this, until an evaluator from the SAAQ assesses the driving skills on the road or until an occupational therapist performs a functional assessment of the persons concerned, ”indicates the SAAQ, Wednesday.

several thousand people

Thus, people who have been diagnosed with mild neurocognitive disorder and whose state of health does not represent a risk for road safety will be able to keep their license, it is added.

Several thousand people who have received such a diagnosis currently hold a driver’s license according to SAAQ figures. The state-owned company says it monitors the progress of their state of health through medical reports produced by health professionals.

“We recognize the importance of driving as a factor in the quality of life and autonomy of Quebecers. This is why it is important to properly support people with a neurocognitive disorder,” says SAAQ President and CEO Denis Marsolais.

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