NETTLE CAKE and put nettles in all the sauces!


A delicious cake with cottage cheese, instead of bread, with a sauce, salad, etc. and if there are any left, cut it into pieces and offer them at the next aperitif or toast them and offer them with a soup!

* To pick the nettles: the stems must be light green (not dark green and even less reddish!), the nettles must be neither in flower nor in seed! To clean them, shake them vigorously and above all to avoid being “bitten” hold your breath when you pick them or when you handle them! Otherwise take gloves!

For 1 mold 26 cm in diameter with high edges:

1 pot of yogurt (the empty pot will be used as a measure)

3 measures of flour

Salt and pepper

¾ measure melted butter

3 eggs

3 ladles of chopped nettle leaves*

1 packet of baking powder.

To grease the mold, butter or parchment paper.

Mix all the ingredients except the yeast until you obtain a homogeneous paste, leave to stand for at least 30 min. Grease the mold. Incorporate the yeast. Pour into the mould, bake without preheating. Cook 55 min to 1h Th 5 (150°). Unmold and let cool on a wire rack. Nice kitchen to all, Régine

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