netizens see red and tackle her violently

After reality TV, a reconversion in the kitchen? For many years now, Maeva Ghennam has been making the good days of Marseillais on W9. The pretty brunette arousing the buzz with each of her appearances in the program or with each post on her social networks on which she gathers millions of subscribers. As a result, these “platforms” allow her to send messages and have a very significant impact on the Internet users who follow her on a daily basis. She was also hailed for her recent message about cosmetic surgery. Admittedly, the darling of Greg Yega has resorted to many times the talents of surgeons to redo her breasts, her lips, or her buttocks. However, this era seems to be over for her as she let it be understood on Instagram a few days ago.

“It’s 100 times more beautiful a natural girl than a completely redone girl […] That’s life, that’s how it is, we all have flaws. If there, I have pimples, well I have pimples. If tomorrow I get fat and I have a double chin, well it doesn’t matter, I’ll love myself like that!”she admitted before expressing her desire to be natural: “that’s it, I’m going to be 25 soon, I want to be natural. Having too big buttocks, like I have now, I find it vulgar”. And as good news never comes alone, Maeva Ghennam recently announced that she wanted to get into the kitchen. In reality, the reality TV candidate has been trying her hand at the stove for a while now, but this Saturday, January 29, she wanted to share one of her recipes with her subscribers: minced meatballs accompanied by onions and spices.

A recipe that could make your mouth water if Greg Yega’s sweetheart hadn’t forgotten an important detail… “Cut your nails Maeva it’s not hygienic when we prepare food”remarked to him one while another resigned himself:“what carnage”. Many other Internet users were not shy about criticizing the reality TV candidate and even Benjamin Samat came to add his “grain of salt”: “Mdr you have never cooked in adventure and there you make me the culinary influencer I will insult you“.


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