NEST with QUAIL EGGS, savory cake perfect for Easter…


This nest? A yogurt cake flavored with herbs to accommodate cooked quail eggs all accompanied by a creamy vinaigrette. Here’s to a great Easter starter!

*The aromatic herbs used for this “nest” are garlic, spring onion and chives. It’s up to everyone to interpret this cake by incorporating the ingredients we have, but be careful not to have more than 3 finely chopped ingredients that go well together!

For the “nest” 1 baba mold about 24 cm in diameter:

1 pot of yogurt (the empty pot will be used as a measure)

3 measures of flour

Salt and pepper

¾ measure olive oil

3 eggs

1 ladle finely chopped aromatic herbs*

1 packet of baking powder.

To grease the mold, butter or parchment paper

The rest: 4 quail eggs per person

5 stalks of chives per person

Vinaigrette sauce mixed with yogurt + 2 finely crushed quail eggs + chopped chives

For the “nest”. In a salad bowl, place all the ingredients except the yeast and mix until you obtain a homogeneous paste, leave to stand for at least 30 min. Grease the mold. Incorporate the yeast. Pour into the mould, bake without preheating. Cook 55 min to 1h Th 5 (150°). Unmold and let cool on a wire rack.

While the cake is cooking, place the eggs in a saucepan with plenty of water, bring to the boil, lower the flame then cook for 7 minutes. Take the eggs out and place them in cold water until completely cooled before peeling them (removing the shell).

Finely chop the chive stalks. In the center of the “nest” place the eggs, distribute the chives all over the top and serve with the vinaigrette.

Nice kitchen to all, Régine

source site-35