neither the LFI Manuel Bompard nor the RN Laurent Jacobelli feel targeted by Kylian Mbappé’s positions “against the extremes”

The footballer, captain of the national team, called on young people on Sunday “to go and vote” because “the extremes are at the gates of power”.


Reading time: 6 min

LFI Manuel Bompard (G), RN Laurent Jacobelli (D), June 17, 2024 on franceinfo.  (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

“I call on young people to go and vote, we see that the extremes are at the gates of power”, declared Kylian Mbappé on Sunday June 16, during a press conference in Germany, in the presence of coach Didier Deschamps. Emmanuel Macron called early legislative elections after the electoral setback suffered by the majority in the European elections. Guests of franceinfo Monday June 17, the LFI Manuel Bompard and the National Rally Laurent Jacobelli reacted to the position of the captain of the Blues.

Laurent Jacobelli does not “feel concerned by the word extreme”

“I do not feel concerned, nor our party, by the word extreme”says Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National Rally and outgoing deputy for Moselle, on franceinfo. “I hope we will still be proud to wear this jersey on July 7”added the player. “Of course he will be proud to wear this jersey”, retorts Laurent Jacobelli. The spokesperson for the National Rally even says he is in tune with Kylian Mbappé: “He is right. There are people today who want to divide. They exist. The macronie did it for seven years. Today, Nupes version 2 is making terrible comments, through some of its leaders for our compatriots of the Jewish faith”, he said.

According to Laurent Jacobelli, Mbappé “has the right to express himself”but he recalls that “the footballers of the French team represent all French people” And “French people of all opinions. When we wear the beautiful blue, white and red jersey, we play for all French people”. Other athletes, from all disciplines, signed a forum on Sunday on the site of The Team calling to block the far right: “There are people, indeed, artists, athletes who probably do not experience daily problems” the French. “I’m very happy for them.”, he said. They “live in a more protected world and have fantasy enemies and a good conscience. So much the better. It’s good to have a good conscience”but “I call them to reality. Look at the fate of our compatriots”, declared the RN spokesperson.

Manuel Bompard does not feel “at all” targeted

Manuel Bompard, national coordinator of France Insoumise and outgoing MP, candidate for re-election in Bouches-du-Rhône, assures for his part that he does not feel “at all” targeted by the words of Kylian Mbappé. The Insoumis wants to leave the captain of the Blues “clarify your point of view” because he “don’t really know what he means” when he talks about extremes. “I don’t want to make him say what he doesn’t say,” sweeps Manuel Bompard who wishes to emphasize that more than 200 sports personalities are calling to vote against the extreme right in the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, in a column published on the site of the Team Monday.

At a press conference on Sunday, Kylian Mbappé said “against ideas that divide”. But the national coordinator of LFI does not feel concerned because “the conflictuality of the debate is not the division of the people”, according to him. Manuel Bompard praises the program of the New Popular Front “which aims on the contrary to unite the country, the people who unfortunately have been very strongly divided by Emmanuel Macron” and who will be “extremely” if the National Rally comes to power.

However, LFI is accused by its political adversaries in particular of fueling anti-Semitism. Personalities from civil society are also mobilizing against La France insoumise. “I tell you clearly, I vote on the left, but I will not vote for an LFI candidate”, journalist Anne Sinclair said Monday morning on BFM TV. Not wanting “don’t be tongue-in-cheek”she specifies: “If at the end of the day, I find myself in the second round with a candidate from the New Popular Front, but LFI and a candidate from the National Rally, I will vote blank.” The historian and lawyer Serge Klarsfeld, great defender of the cause of Jewish deportees from France, announced on LCI Sunday evening that in the event of a duel with the left during the legislative elections, he would vote for the National Rally, which “moults” And “supports the Jews”unlike LFI, a party “resolutely anti-Jewish” according to him.

“I react badly”comments Manuel Bompard. “I find it dramatic that a certain number of minds in this country have been contaminated by the campaign of denigration and defamation against rebellious France,” he adds. The Insoumis believes that he “this has to stop”. So, if “People sincerely think that one of us is anti-Semitic, so we must be prosecuted in court, because anti-Semitism is a crime.” Gold, “no LFI leader or activist has ever been the subject of a complaint or convicted for anti-Semitism”, defends the national coordinator of the party. He assures that the New Popular Front, in which La France insoumise participates, is “a political formation which will fight against all forms of racism, against anti-Semitism, against Islamophobia”.

However, publications on the social network “Hello white people, aren’t we bothering you too much in your remake of the Berlin conference? As the other said: poverty, it’s us who live it and it’s you who live it”; he wrote on August 27, 2022. His message – referring to the partition of Africa between the colonial powers in 1885 – was accompanied by a photo showing the socialists Olivier Faure, Boris Vallaud, Jérôme Guedj , Patrick Kanner or even the Insoumis Alexis Corbière and Clémentine Autain.

Manuel Bompard concedes that it is a “provocative tweet” but “doesn’t believe at all” that there is racism. “I believe that he was precisely contesting the fact that the political representation of this country today is undoubtedly not sufficiently reflective of society”he justifies before adding: “I know him and I know that when he attacks or criticizes people, he does it based on what they think and never based on what they are.”

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