Nehuda, the former reality TV candidate, at the heart of a scandal after launching a competition to sell her car…for 1 euro!

Nehuda, the ancient reality TV contestant does not end with the controversies. And for once, it is without the father of her children, Ricardo, that she is talked about. While the couple wants to settle abroad, they have decided to get rid of their business in France as she announced on her social networks on May 11. “You know that I am preparing my departure and that this time I will not keep anything in France” , announced the former candidate of the “Angels”. Before continuing: “So I had an idea to benefit people, who might never have been able to afford it”. It is therefore from her car that she wishes to benefit one of her subscribers. “I put my car on sale at 1 EURO I will explain everything to you“, she said.

A 2018 Mercedes A-Class that she is selling via a contest on Leetchi, the online kitty. To participate, all you have to do is make a donation of one euro, no more as she specifies, and mention your first and last name. But its subscribers are not fooled and quickly understood the trick. If many participate in this contest, the mother of Laïa and Laël Ricardo will reap much more than the actual value of the prize, which is his car. On Twitter, the trickery was immediately pointed out and since then, no trace of the Leetchi kitty has been reported. She explained herself today, Thursday May 12, in her Instagram stories: “the Leetchi account has been blocked, I no longer have access to it, it has surely been reported too much (…) France and its haters”. Nehuda is therefore relaunching its contest on another platform and by changing the conditions, it will be possible to make a donation only on “A few days” to demonstrate her good faith and that she’s not doing this for the money, only for “dampen” buying his car. We don’t know what to think anymore!

Antoine FM

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