Nehuda pregnant with her 2nd child: the sex of her baby revealed by her daughter

Nehuda awaits a happy event. The former candidate of Angels (2016, on NRJ 12) is expecting a second child. And, on November 30, 2021, she announced to her Snapchat followers the gender of her baby.

The 29-year-old brunette beauty first became a mom four years ago. She and her former companion Ricardo Pinto had the pleasure of welcoming a little girl named Laïa. And soon, Nehuda will be pampering again … with the arrival of her Boy. The young woman has indeed announced that her wonder would have a little brother. “Otherwise, Laïa has something to tell you. We wait…“, she launched. And her daughter to continue:”A little brother.“”Too happy, I couldn’t believe it, it’s a little boy who is in my belly. My son. He’s a little brother to my princess. I can’t wait to start looking for little bodysuits, stuff like that“, continued the candidate of The Voice 2015, who was fortunate enough to do a 3D ultrasound to see her baby’s face.

If she shares with pleasure some information about her pregnancy, Nehuda has never spoken about the father of her child. Ricardo never having reacted to the ad, Internet users are wondering if he is the dad. “So in 2021, it is possible to have children without sex. It is possible for same-sex couples to have children. It is also possible for an unmarried woman to have a child with a man with a pif or thanks to medicine and it is possible for a single man to call upon a surrogate mother. But there is one exception. For Nehuda, no right to be pregnant and to be separated. Love was, love is no more, but it left one last gift in its path. If I didn’t want it, if it was an unmanageable situation for me, I would have aborted“, had simply written the mother-to-be. What to arouse even more the curiosity of Internet users. Perhaps the young woman will lift the veil on this story after the birth of her boy.

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