Negotiations with Ukraine | Russia is “not in good faith”, deplores Joly

(Ottawa) Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, condemns the Russian bombardments which continue in Ukraine despite the commitments made during the talks.

Posted at 11:59

Emilie Bergeron
The Canadian Press

“It’s clearly awful what’s going on, because we see that while the negotiations are still going on, the two sides can’t trust each other. Why ? Because Russia is not showing good faith,” she said Wednesday before heading to a Liberal caucus meeting.

Mme Joly reiterated that Ottawa is preparing to impose new sanctions against the Russian regime. “We must not stop because we see that the fighting continues. »

The Minister remained vague on the role that Canada could play in the hoped-for achievement of a diplomatic solution.

Ukraine has offered to remain a neutral country, but its security would be guaranteed by a group of countries, much like Article 5 of NATO, which specifies that an attack on one of its members constitutes an attack on all its members.

“I cannot go into the details because of course the negotiations are taking place, but we know that a diplomatic solution, one day, can be found because that is always the case whenever there is, unfortunately, fighting,” she said.

She added that discussions are constant between her and her Ukrainian counterpart – as well as between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“Ukrainians know that we can have discussions during which we trust each other extremely. »

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