Negotiations with Quebec | Strike mandate ratified in CPEs

Workers in early childhood centers unionized with the CSQ voted 85% in favor of a “progressive strike” mandate.

The possible progressive strike, if it were to be triggered, would begin with the opening of the CPE half an hour later than usual, then an hour, then two hours and so on, to go to a half day.

However, no strike notice has yet been sent, Valérie Grenon, president of the Federation of Early Childhood Workers (FIPEQ), affiliated with the CSQ, said in an interview on Tuesday.

There are 3,000 members of FIPEQ unions, who work in CPEs in the regions of Montreal, Montérégie, Laval, Lanaudière, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec and Estrie. These are not all the CPEs in these regions, since other union organizations are also represented there.

There is no question of an unlimited general strike “for the moment”, added Grenon.

“We just wanted to start gradually, to slowly put pressure on employers and the government. If we have to go there, we will go there, but I don’t have that mandate in my pocket. Then we have not planned any meetings to pick him up, for the moment,” she added.

Quebec offers workers in CPEs a 12.7% increase over five years. He submitted his offers to all the union organizations in mid-May. Negotiations have only just begun, although the collective agreements expired on March 31, 2023.

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