Negotiations with Quebec | CPE managers accept the agreement in principle

(Montreal) A large majority of managers working in childcare centers (CPEs) and home childcare coordinating offices voted in favor of an agreement in principle reached between their professional association and Quebec.

The agreement obtained a support rate of around 95% among the members of the Association of CPE Executives (ACCPE), during a special general meeting earlier this week.

According to the association, the agreement signed last week after nine months of negotiations represents a first step in terms of recognition of the profession, promoting the retention and attractiveness of managers.

“We have been fighting for decades to have their exceptional work recognized. It was time for the government to take concrete action towards those who are at the heart of all decisions, those who are the driving force behind the operationalization of the network, “commented the director general of the ACCPE, Élyse Lebeau, in a press release. sent on Wednesday.

The main demand of the executives has been taken into account, namely the improvement of salary conditions, which were “until now disastrous” for the assistant directors, mentioned The beautiful.

The CAPPE indicates that following the wage increase for educators last spring, internal equity had never been rebalanced by the government, resulting in a majority of vice-principals working for “less wages than their own employees.

The association estimates that this situation caused the departure of nearly 20% of these executives.

“Managers are essential: they do everything, they are responsible for human resources, financial affairs, real estate, social, partnership, educational, and so on,” reacted the president of the ACCPE, Martine Beaupré.

For its part, the Legault government also welcomes the conclusion of the agreement and its adoption by the members.

“It will promote better staff retention while better serving families and children in Quebec,” said Treasury Board President Sonia Lebel in a press release.

The ACCPE represents 1,900 managers, nearly 99% of whom are women.

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