Negotiations in the public sector | No settlement with the FSE for Monday

The Federation of Education Unions (FSE) – which represents 95,000 teachers across the province – announced Sunday evening on the networks that it was not “on the verge of concluding an agreement in principle”.

“Have things progressed since Friday? Yes. Are we close to reaching an agreement in principle? No. Can we still hope to settle before December 23? Certainly ! », Said the president of the FSE, Josée Scalabrini, in a video published on Facebook Sunday evening.

The 95,000 teachers represented by the FSE were on strike from December 8 to 14, at the same time as other public sector employees of the Common Front.

According to Mme Scalabrini, if the work at the negotiation tables continues in the same vein as what has been happening since Friday, “the negotiation could give interesting signs”.

But the government will still have to agree to make “significant” changes with regard to the composition of classes and the reduction of tasks, she added.

“For us to keep all legally qualified teachers in the system, we need breathing space,” she said in her online video.

FAE teachers still on strike

FSE teachers resume their week of classes on Monday. Those represented by the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE), on an indefinite general strike since November 23, will continue their picketing on Monday.

Late Friday evening, the president of the FAE, Mélanie Hubert, assured her members on Facebook that the union federation was ready to continue negotiations throughout the weekend. The government was also available for both days.

It was not possible to learn more about the state of negotiations on the FAE side on Sunday, the Federation indicating to The Press having “nothing to communicate this evening”.

“The teams negotiated yesterday and continue to negotiate,” responded the office of the President of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel. “Discussions continue continuously, 24/7. »

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