Negotiations broken with educators: unions will seek an indefinite strike mandate from their members

Negotiations between Quebec and the educators are broken, which sets the table for several days of walkout next week in the childcare centers. And this may be just the beginning, as the unions intend to seek an indefinite general strike mandate from their members.

Thousands of parents will once again find themselves in front of a nasty puzzle as of Monday morning, as many childcare workers begin several days of pressure tactics.

The 3,200 educators affiliated with the Centrale des unions du Québec (CSQ) will be on strike on November 22, 23 and 24, while the 11,000 union members of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) will be on strike for four days, from Monday to Thursday. inclusive.

Faced with the failure of the intensification of talks with the Legault government, the two unions confirmed to our Parliamentary Bureau on Friday their intention to seek an indefinite strike mandate from their members. The FIPEQ-CSQ will hold simultaneous general assemblies across Quebec on Wednesday in this regard.


No date for resuming negotiations is foreseen at this time. Discussions surrounding the renewal of collective agreements for educators have seen several twists and turns in recent weeks.

What are currently stumbling are the salaries of special educators, cooks and maintenance workers.

While Quebec wants to offer larger increases to educators, the unions are pleading that other employees who work in childcare centers also benefit from a substantial increase in their remuneration.

Childcare workers also want additional support for toddlers with special needs.

Recall that Minister Sonia Lebel announced immediate salary increases for educators of up to 20.22% for those who agree to work up to 40 hours per week. A gesture which earned the Legault government a complaint to the court for obstructing union activities.

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