Negotiations between Quebec and the FIQ | Progress, but no agreement

(Montreal) The FIQ reports progress in its negotiation with Quebec thanks to the help of the conciliator on file. But there is still no agreement within reach. Discussions will therefore continue and there is no question of other strike days for the moment.

The media truce that the conciliator had asked the parties to observe ended on Monday, in order to concentrate on the negotiation rather than on public declarations.

In an interview with The Canadian Press on Monday, the president of the Interprofessional Health Federation (FIQ), Julie Bouchard, indicated that “yes”, there had been progress. The conciliator is “of very valuable help”, but there has not been enough progress to evoke a possibility of settlement.

Negotiations will therefore continue in conciliation. And the FIQ does not set an ultimatum or a precise timetable. Everything will depend on how the conciliation progresses.

In the meantime, there is no question of holding other days of strike, “even less” an unlimited general strike, assured Mme Bouchard. However, “we still have this mandate,” she is quick to point out.

The Federation represents 80,000 nurses, practical nurses, respiratory therapists and clinical perfusionists throughout Quebec.

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