Negotiations around the finance bill for 2023, the first major project of the executive

They are not back yet, they are already in the starting blocks. While the government is heading back to the Elysée for a Council of Ministers back to school, Wednesday August 24, the oppositions are preparing a political season which promises to be sporty, in particular on the discussions around the budget.

> Climate emergency, inflation, pensions, budget… For Elisabeth Borne and Emmanuel Macron, the start of the new school year promises to be hot

And the least we can say is that the executive is not really calm on the issue, because the oppositions are already on a war footing. “It will fight hard in the hemicycle, already says a rebellious parliamentarian. We will table as many amendments as possible to make this government bend.”

If he does not find a majority around his finance bill, essential to the rest of his policy, he will have no other choice than to force through, which could leave traces and tense public opinion. “The real issue is the budget: if we go through 49.3 and the censorship passes, it’s Armageddon!”worries an influential minister.

France 2

The only option in this case is to conclude alliances, in particular with Les Républicains. And for some RN deputies, this pact is no longer even a possibility. “LR is going to redo the sketch of the amending finance bill: getting nothing, except tinkering on a few measures, to justify its vote. Otherwise, that means dissolution, and that would kill them.” A finding shared by some executives of the right-wing party. “This summer, we gave the impression of being in merger-absorption with the government, not in opposition… The only way to avoid that is to vote against the budget”advises a Republican heavyweight.

On the side of Nupes, obviously, voting the budget is unthinkable. “There will be an acceleration of the ultra-liberal policy with the budgetplague a rebellious deputy. Unemployment insurance, RSA, pensions, the government will harden the social climate and still attack the most fragile.

What then to dream of a great evening, in the street? Some on the left are convinced of this. “Emmanuel Macron does not understand what is happening, there the social climate is more than tense, people have a noose around their necks, and he suggests that we accelerate the liberal agenda”, abounds another. A hypothesis that the executive does not frankly take seriously: “I don’t believe in brothel in the street at the start of the school year: people want calm”, explains a member of the government, insisting on the uncertainty caused by the war in Ukraine and the Covid crisis. The finance bill must be presented to the Council of Ministers in early October.

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