Negotiation in the public sector | The new offer is reasonable, maintains François Legault

(Quebec) The new offer made to public sector workers is reasonable, François Legault insisted on Monday.

“On average, we offer two points more than inflation,” said the Prime Minister on the sidelines of an announcement in Quebec. We cannot say that it is trivial. »

“I also have a responsibility towards the taxpayers, towards the taxpayers’ ability to pay. I think an average salary increase offer of 14.8% is reasonable,” he added.

Mr. Legault recalled that “one percent more is 600 million more per year.” “Do a calculation, I don’t think Quebecers want taxes to be increased,” he said.

Quebec’s offer is a 10.3% salary increase over five years, in addition to a lump sum of $1,000 the first year.

Added to this is a sum equivalent to 3% reserved for “government priorities”, which means that the government presents its offer as worth 14.8% over five years.

The previous offer was a 9% salary increase over five years, to which was added the lump sum of $1,000 in the first year.

We added a sum equivalent to 2.5% for “government priorities”; the offer was therefore presented as an increase of 13% over five years.

For its part, the common front is demanding a three-year contract, either the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 2% for the first year, or $100 per week, depending on whichever formula is most advantageous for workers. .

Then, it claims the CPI plus 3% for the second year, and the CPI plus 4% for the third year.

The unions came off their hinges following the submission of the new offer from Quebec on Sunday, immediately described as “derisory”.

The common front, made up of the CSN, the CSQ, the FTQ and the APTS, which together represent 420,000 members, had already announced a first day of strike, on November 6.

The Interprofessional Health Federation (FIQ), which represents 80,000 nurses and other health professionals, for its part announced the first days of strike on November 8 and 9.

The 65,000 teachers of the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE) have also given themselves a strike mandate, but we do not know exactly when it will be exercised.

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