Neck pain? Self-massage suggestion

The cold, the lack of light, the worries, the change of time … There are many reasons to feel the back of the neck stiffening, but when the pain is there, the deep muscles and the surface muscles contract and there we taste ! So Guillaume Douet’s advice is to prevent this general contraction by providing manual care at the base of our neck as soon as the first signs of stiffening appear.

A supply of heat is interesting, as for the self-massage it can be broken down as follows:

  • we focus on the deep muscles, called Tillaux muscles, two small triangles that are located at the base of the skull and on the first two cervicals. When you bend your head into your shoulders, it is the Tillaux muscles that help you. We are going to come with two fingers massaging in a circle small painful triangles by pressing hard.

Guillaume : Very strange thing: the more it hurts, the more it feels good. Sonia : You are weird, you osteo … Guillaume : it’s not us, it’s the patients who say that and it’s us who find it weird!

  • Second recommended movement: place your right hand on the top of the left shoulder blade, five centimeters below the shoulder. When you press a little hard, you feel that it rolls: well there you are.

We do small circles again for five minutes, the muscle will relax.

Still, it’s better when someone else does it for us.

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