At the Lycée Lavoisier in Mayenne, two Seconde classes have been deprived of French lessons since mid-October due to the absence of a teacher.
In Seconde, there are five hours of French teaching per week. So several weeks without a teacher, it makes long hours of lessons that will be difficult to catch up. And this situation worries Pascal, father of a second year student at Lycée Lavoisier: “it’s going to be a long absence and it worries me about my daughter. This will put the students in difficulty. For us parents, this is not normal.“
The Rectorate explains that “the academic services are trying by all means to find a person able to come and teach French at the Lycée Lavoisier in Mayenne. It is a problem of human resources. For the moment, we have not found. Our teams use all possible levers to find a solution as quickly as possible.“Pascal does not understand that such a long absence could be possible:”there should be a pool of substitute teachers, especially for French. We arrive at the Christmas holidays, we hope that the situation will be able to unblock itself for the start of the school year.“
At one year of the French baccalaureate, concerns grew on the side of the students and parents of Lycée Lavoisier.