Nearly one in two primary school principals insulted in 2021, independent study finds

Nearly half of primary school principals, or 44% of respondents, say they were insulted during the 2021 school year, the vast majority from parents, according to a study by the Federation of Departmental Delegates of National Education, carried out by researcher and former inspector Georges Fotinos, which franceinfo reveals on Thursday February 3. According to the conclusions of this work, violence against teachers is present in primary school from an early age.

>> Violence at school: “The question of means is at the heart of the problem”, denounced a college professor in 2019.

According to this survey, which is based on a panel of 3,000 school directors located throughout France, one in ten claims to have been pushed around, or even hit for 5% of them. This phenomenon is increasing for a third of respondents. Disputes related to parents’ reproaches on facts of fights between children, punishments, or even on school results are also on the rise for half of these primary school principals.

While most violence is primarily verbal and, in a small minority, physical, the study also warns of the emergence of cyber-violence, on the internet, and attacks on secularism. In addition, one out of three schools observed had to manage problems, at least once in the year, with the parents of pupils concerning the legitimacy of certain lessons or concerning timetable adjustments in connection with beliefs. nuns.


52-question questionnaire sent to 2,953 school principals.

Note the response rate from schools for the departments: Hérault: 56%, Cher: 44%, Ain: 36%, Bouches-du-Rhône: 32%, Nièvre: 26%, Val-de-Marne: 24%, Pyrénées-Orientales: 23%, Vendée: 23%, Morbihan: 20%, Allier: 19%, Indre-et-Loire: 19%, Haute-Marne: 19%, Eure: 18%.

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