nearly a million tests per day carried out during Christmas week, a new weekly record

Nearly 6.85 million Covid-19 screening tests (PCR and antigens) have been carried out, according to figures from the Ministry of Health published on Thursday. The day before, Minister Olivier Véran had announced even higher figures.

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Nearly 6.85 million Covid-19 screening tests (PCR and antigens) were performed the week of December 20, a “new record” from “essentially” to 16-65 years, according to figures published by the Ministry of Health, Thursday, December 30. This represents an increase of 9% from the previous week. A peak was reached on December 23, before Christmas Eve, with 1.55 million tests.

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School holidays oblige, screening fell by 40% among 0-15 year olds, but this drop was more than offset by a jump from 20% to 30% in all other age groups, “essentially” young people and adults aged 16 to 65, who took three quarters of the tests between December 20 and 26.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, mentioned on Wednesday an even higher figure, of 7.3 million PCR and antigen tests over the same period, including “only 500,000 have not been reimbursed” by health insurance because “they corresponded to unvaccinated people, non-contact (and) non-symptomatic with prescription”. By adding the six million self-tests carried out “on the days leading up to Christmas”, the overall volume “actually rose to more than 13 million tests performed by the French”, he stressed.

This massive demand justified, according to him, the authorization granted Tuesday to mass distribution to sell self-tests until January 31, to the chagrin of pharmacists.

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