nearly 90 fires still active in Alberta


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

L. De la Mornais, T. Donzel, Z. Boughzou – franceinfo

France Televisions

Despite the rain the day before, nearly 90 gigantic fires were still burning in Alberta, Canada on Tuesday, May 9. The ravages are commensurate with the immensity of the province.

On either side of the roads, charred expanses as far as the eye can see and land still smoking. The devastation is commensurate with the vastness of the province of Alberta (Canada), with thousands of square kilometers destroyed by the flames. Visibility is still poor, as the layer of smoke is thick. Tuesday, May 9, fire patrols checked that there was no new fire. At the outpost, the firefighters are exhausted, even if the rain the day before has given them some respite.

“I have never seen fires like this”

The unusual heat and drought of recent months explain the precocity of these fires. Tuesday, nearly 90 fires are still active in the west of the province. “I have never seen fires like this”, explains a resident. Alberta had already experienced dramatic fires in 2016, but the record years are approaching. According to journalist Loïc de la Mornais, this is what worries the experts, while as global warming progresses, the fire season could start, in the future, as early as March.

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