Nearly 600 health checks carried out in agri-food establishments in the Somme in 2021

In 2021, the services of the Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations (DDPP) carried out 591 health checks in establishments preparing, processing, handling, exhibiting, transporting and selling foodstuffs from the department. They are made mostly unexpectedly. The contexts of the inspections are multiple: annual programming, reporting of consumers, suspicion of collective food poisoning or even alert management.

Controls are carried out according to a risk analysis, depending on the nature of the activity, the sensitivity of the consumer, such as infant food, collective catering in hospitals. As well as from the results of the last control and the volumes of food produced (understand the size of the company). The Somme prefecture specifies that the checks relate to the quality and health safety, the traceability of foodstuffs, consumer information and the fairness of transactions (display of prices, labeling rules, etc.).

source site-38