Nearly 600 demonstrators march against the health pass in Montbéliard

These are words that do not pass at all among opponents of the health pass.
Emmanuel Macron said Monday in an interview with the newspaper the Parisian to want “piss off the unvaccinated”, and the demonstrators in Montbéliard had these words in mind in the procession this Saturday afternoon. Police said they numbered nearly 600 in an undeclared rally that ended peacefully.

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“Irresponsible words”

The terms used by the Head of State to speak of about 5 million unvaccinated French people deeply shocked Christelle, who is coming for the first time to demonstrate against the health pass. At the foot of a sign “Macron, Castex, Véran, Attal, we will piss you off until the end”, the young woman shouts her anger:

What prompted me to come? Well, I can’t take it anymore, I’m fed up, fed up! His words, it really shocked me: that a president would say such bullshit, suddenly now I say “MACRON, I’M PLEASED !!”

Christelle’s rage is shared in the procession. Stéphane evokes “irresponsible words“. He assures that”the unvaccinated are outcasts, we knew it before he even said it, we saw him very badly“. The truck driver believes that”the president doesn’t give a fuck about people like us, but then, why, why, does he take care of our health so much ?!

The president has a “counterproductive” approach

Hélène goes on and deplores a “insult unworthy of a president“. The fifty-something, artist, sees in his words”an act of desperation, of panic, from someone who realizes that these 5 million [de non-vaccinés], he will not have them whatever he does, and it is a pity and very sad for him “.

Bernard presses on this point and regrets the president’s approach. For this retiree, already vaccinated, “looks like Emmanuel Macron is here to divide, while a president should unite : that’s not how he’s going to encourage people to get vaccinated, he’s pointing them out, it’s counterproductive!

The good method according to Bernard required more pedagogy. But now the government is banking on the vaccine pass so that the unvaccinated can accept the injection.
After the National Assembly vote this week, it will be debated in the Senate next week.

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