nearly 500 employees on strike in 30 establishments this Friday, according to the CGT

The group has announced that it will not pay a profit-sharing bonus in 2022 to employees. A decision by Orpea which “set fire to the powder”, according to Guillaume Gobet.

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Of “500 to 600 employees” are on strike Friday, June 3 in “around thirty Orpea establishments” in France, says on franceinfo Guillaume Gobet, CGT union representative of the Ehpad sector of the Orpea group. The employees launched a strike after the decision taken in mid-May by Orpea not to pay them a profit-sharing bonus in 2022.

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“We still have establishments where we learn that people have gone on strike”specifies Guillaume Gobet, who regrets a decision by the group which “set fire to the powder”. This premium represents “around 700 euros each year, which allows employees to pay for their holidays”says the former chef in an establishment of the group.

“It’s going to deprive a lot of vacation families, which is why this anger is so sudden and much more violent than the group thinks.”

Guillaume Gobet, CGT

at franceinfo

The Orpea group has been in turmoil since the publication in January of Victor Castanet’s investigative book, The Gravediggers, which showed the excessive cost reduction in certain nursing homes of the group, and the dramatic consequences that this had for residents. Guillaume Gobet believes that employees are “victims” of their group. “Why do they have to pay for Orpea’s excesses?”asks the trade unionist, who denounces an injustice: “Given the turnover of the group, it is incomprehensible that we are not entitled to our share.”

Finally, Guillaume Gobet regrets that the management of Orpea refuses to communicate with the employees and the unions: “The group remains in its logic of not speaking to employees or unions”, we have no contact with management.”

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