Social landlords are not exempt from the timetable set by the Climate and Resilience Law of 2021, which plans to prohibit the rental or re-rental of the most energy-intensive housing.
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We will have to speed up their renovation. Nearly 300,000 social housing units, or 6% of the social housing stock, had an F or G energy label on January 1, 2022, corresponding to thermal strainers, according to a study by the National Social Housing Control Agency (Ancols) published Tuesday, December 5 .
We will have to act quickly, because social landlords are not escaping the timetable set by the Climate and Resilience Law of 2021, which plans to prohibit the rental or re-rental of the most energy-intensive housing. Those labeled G will be targeted from 2025, F in 2028 and E in 2034. The energy renovation of housing is essential to achieve France’s greenhouse gas emissions targets, allowing substantial savings in the process. of energy.
According to Ancols, 1% of the social stock, or around 50,000 housing units, corresponded to label G, the least efficient, and 5% to label F. Label E represents 15% of the social stock. , or around five million housing units, according to this study. More than two thirds of the stock are labeled C (33%) or D (38%), while the most efficient energy classes are very under-represented, with respectively 1% of A and 5% of B housing, the vast majority of which are built after 2010.