Nearly 300 demonstrators marched in Avignon on Tuesday to ask more resources in the social and medico-social sectors. These educators, social workers, early childhood professionals were on strike at the call of the CGT. Staff members of the CFTC or South were also in the procession.
Indecent working conditions in the face of precariousness
Wrapped up in the mistral, Barbara joined the procession to express her anger at being invisible. This social worker for the Vaucluse departmental council emphasizes that she “takes care of the populations in greatest difficulty and we are fed up with being forgotten. We have indecent working conditions in the face of increasing insecurity. We lack personnel and devices. We are overwhelmed with work. There are not enough of us and they are having trouble recruiting social workers. It is no longer a job that inspires dreams. We defend our profession for the good of the people we welcome. It is a lack of recognition for us and for them. What is most sickening is being invisible among the invisible. “
No bonus of 183 euros despite the social emergency
Nathalie is an educator in a home which accommodates children and young people in difficulty in Vaucluse. She paraded so as not to be invisible anymore: “we are from the hospital public service except that our sector, the social one, is not not considered caregiver. We are not affected by the Indiciary Treatment Supplement (183 euros net per month) but we are concerned by everything else: reorganization of hours, obligation of continuity of service, emergency reception without additional means “. This educator also points to the recruitment deficit because “we no longer find anyone working in a boarding school, every other weekend or in every seven day period“. She left her service to parade because she “is tired of being forgotten. We no longer want to be invisible because our mission is important “.
Terrible degradation of social professions in 20 years
His colleague Virginie accompanies him in the procession. She is an educator in Vaucluse in a child protection structure. It evokes fed up and a profession that is deteriorating. She confides: “I have seen my profession deteriorate terribly in 20 years. I work in child protection but this word unfortunately makes me laugh because children are in danger. Educators are also in danger because our profession must respond more and more to profitability guidelines and respect for the daily price “.
– Philippe Paupert
– Philippe Paupert
– Philippe Paupert