Nearly 3 out of 4 students experience a situation of ill-being according to a study by the CSA institute

It is a study that is chilling, revealed exclusively by our colleagues from franceinfo. The CSA institute for the LMDE student mutual insurance company reveals in a survey published this Monday, July 11, a rather bleak picture of the mental health of French students. According to this study, carried out on 3,255 students, 70% of them say they are in a situation of ill-beingthey are also more than two thirds to have depressive symptoms, it is twice more than in the rest of the population.

An alarming finding

The most worrying indicator shows thata third of young people surveyed have suicidal thoughts. There too, it is much more than in the general population and it is up six points compared to the previous survey, from 2019.

For 46% of respondents, depression is one of the main fears of diseases, compared to 22% in the general population. A worrying observation that does not necessarily push them to consult since38% of them have given up medical care in the last 12 months. Nearly one in two students say they did so because of their finances.

The financial situation also aggravates this feeling of ill-being, this is the case for half of the respondents, as does the health crisis. In effect, 68% of young people surveyed say that the Covid has negatively influenced their student life.

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