Nearly 230 blood donations needed each week in Indre

Each year, in France, nearly 1 million people benefit from a blood donation and to meet the needs it would take 10,000 donations a day.

In Indre, the EFS relies on 227 donations per week. This blood is then used in hospitals in the region “to help severe burn victims, road accident victims, people who have undergone surgery, mothers who have hemorrhaged during childbirth, for example“list Stéphanie Larrere, in charge of promoting blood donation at the French Blood Establishment in Indre.

A donation to save 3 lives

Today, the EFS specifies that “Anyone can donate. You just have to be between 18 and 70 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos and be in good general health“. Before donating, it is possible to complete a small anonymous health questionnaire on the EFS website, allowing you to know if you can go immediately to a collection center or if you have to wait a few days. (in the event of recent dental care or a small passenger virus, for example).

We are fortunate to have loyal donors. But they are getting old and we need to retain new people. A donation only lasts one hour all inclusive, it is not painful, and it saves three lives.“explains Stephanie Larrere. The need is all the more pressing as summer is coming and many donors will be on vacation.. “The blood can only be kept for 42 days… and the needs are just as important in the summer…

This Tuesday, June 14, on the occasion of blood donation day, the EFS is organizing a collection at the Asphodèle in Poinçonnet, from 2 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.There will also be massages, workshops, and lots of pancakes for the donor’s snack!“promises Stephanie Larrere.

The interview can be listened to as a podcast:

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