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More and more French people are affected by overweight or obesity. The World Health Organization (WHO) talk about a “epidemic” in Europe.
French hospitals have developed a network specializing in obesity to deal with an increase in cases of obesity. The team of this Parisian hospital helps Bernard, 140 kg for 1m72, in his everyday fight with consultations with a psychologist or nutrition workshops. His goal: to lose 20kg in eighteen month.
According to the WHO, 22% of adults in France are obese. This rate rises to nearly 10.4% for children aged 5-9 and 7% for adolescents. In Europe, less than 10% of adults were affected by obesity in 1975, they are nearly 23% today.
In the most severely overweight adults, many diseases associated with obesity develop. In particular, there is an increase in the cases of diabetes or liver disease. Obesity can also promote the appearance of cancers or other pathologies such as sleep apnea syndrome with the need for treatment.
According to the WHO, overweight and obesity are responsible for nearly 1.2 million deaths in Europe each year.