Nearly 200 people for the first rally in support of Ukrainians in Toulouse

About 150 to 200 people gathered this Friday at the end of the afternoon at the Jean-Jaurès metro in Toulouse. The Communist Party, France Insoumise, the CGT, FSU, Solidaires or even the MREP 31 (Movement against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples): 45 organizations have signed this national appeal to say no to war in Ukraine and find a negotiated political solution.

This is the first rally in support of Ukrainians in Toulouse. © Radio France
Quentin Perez of Tudela

About 150 to 200 people gathered this Friday at the end of the afternoon at the Jean-Jaurès metro station. Many blue and yellow Ukrainian flags flutter at the end of the arms of the participants. They demand an immediate end to the fighting and the withdrawal of Russian troops.

The Ukrainian community is organizing a rally this Sunday, February 27 at 3 p.m. at the Jean-Jaurès metro. The town hall of Toulouse, which flies a Ukrainian flag on the pediment of the Capitol, opened this Friday morning a register of support for the Ukrainian people.

They demand an immediate end to the fighting.
They demand an immediate end to the fighting. © Radio France
Quentin Perez of Tudela

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