nearly 16,000 job offers available for the Olympic Games


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1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – D. Lachaud, J. Cholin, M. Boisseau, J.-J. Buty, S. Guillemot, R. Perret, I. Cavaletto

France Televisions

The Olympic Games are recruiting. 16,000 job offers will be offered during job dating meetings with partner companies in particular. A first screening is planned for Tuesday September 26 at the Cité du cinéma.

As the Olympics approach, finding enough arms is a long-term sport. Hospitality, catering, transport, cleaning, security, several tens of thousands of positions are to be filled. In Seine-Saint-Denis, some would see each other well work at alongside the athletes. Recruitment has already started. Tuesday September 26, 16,000 job offers linked to the Games will already be presented during a forum at the Cité du cinéma in Saint-Denis.

More than 180,000 jobs mobilized in France

Certain sectors, already under tension, are worried. A Parisian restaurateur fears not finding enough workers. The challenge is the same in private security where 15,000 positions are already available in Île-de-France. A school is thus rapidly training students for the profession of security agent. In total, the Olympics should mobilize more than 180,000 jobs in France.

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