Nearly 150 people mobilized in Oloron against class closures in Béarn

Nearly 150 people gathered yesterday against class cuts because of the new school map. They had agreed to meet in front of the sub-prefecture in Oloron at 6:30 p.m. Over there two classes are threatened. Parents of students, teachers and elected officials from the town of Oloron were present, including Mayor Bernard Uthurry. Some spoke with the sub-prefect to try to make their message heard: class cuts, that means more students in the remaining onestherefore difficulties in concentrating for the students, and degraded working conditions for the teachers.

18 closures in Béarn

Oloron is not the only town to be affected. In all in Béarn, with this new school map, there are 18 closures for only 9.5 openings. The school inspectorate claims to be in dialogue with the teachers and will make its decision tomorrow.

source site-38